Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What Does Canada's Budget 2008 Mean for Small Business?

Lots of sources have discussed the implications of the Canadian government’s Budget 2008 on small business. According to The Globe and Mail, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is working “to sell a plan that he said prepares the country for an economic slowdown”. Here’s a short list of what some reliable sources are saying about the budget with respect to business as well as a number of links to their respective websites:

How Does the Budget Affect Small Business?

  • Assistance for manufacturers
  • Improved employment insurance management
  • Improvements to the immigration system, including speeding up the process
  • Enhancements to the cross-border business system
  • Streamlining vehicle expense claims
  • Provision of more claimable tax credits under Canada’s Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SRED) tax incentive program
  • Money to farm programs
  • Money for the aquaculture industry

Here is The Globe and Mail’s Budget 2008 Report: articles, editorials, videos and more.

Here is the Financial Post’s page on the Budget. They also include a nice highlight of the budget.

Canadian Business Online includes a report written by Kim Shiffman called: Budget 2008: A Small Budget for Small Business

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